West Presents at TPPA Annual Meeting

Walter West, McLean Engineering's Vice President of Analytical Solutions, was a featured speaker at the recent Texas Public Power Association (TPPA) Annual Meeting in San Antonio. As a nationally-recognized expert on the pole attachment management process, West led two presentations on pole attachments, "The Nuts and Bolts of Pole Attachments" and "Why Pole Attachments Matter." Click here to view some of the presentation content. 

“Pole attachments are an ever-evolving challenge with municipal power systems,” said Debra Scarbo, TPPA Communications Manager. “We were very pleased to have Walter West, a pole attachment expert, present and lead the discussion with our membership concerning pole attachment matters. Walter was well-prepared and extremely professional in facilitating the discussion on this topic.  His knowledge of the subject matter was very helpful with our members.”

McLean works with many municipalities, cooperatives and state trade organizations to navigate through joint-use concerns by providing expertise in all areas related to joint-use matters.