We're Celebrating All Things GIS!

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Think it's just another week in November? Nope, it's Geography Awareness Week (November 12th-18th) and GIS Day (Wednesday, Nov. 15th)!

Geography Awareness Week, or GeoWeek, was created by National Geographic magazine and established by presidential proclamation over 25 years ago. The publication wanted to raise awareness to the deficiency of geography in American education and encourage the public's interest in geography as both a discipline and as a part of everyday life. During this annual weekly celebration, National Geographic Education Programs (NGEP) hosts events; sponsors lessons, games, and challenges in classrooms; and often meets with policymakers and business leaders to promote geography awareness.

GIS Day was incorporated into GeoWeek in 1999 and has taken place every Wednesday of the week since. The celebration of geographic information systems (GIS) on this day provides an international forum for users of GIS technology to "demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society."

We're big fans of GIS around here at McLean Engineering. We know how valuable GIS data can be for utilities, and that’s why we conduct all our inspections on a GIS basis, so we can improve your maps while we improve your system. Some other benefits of GIS data include:

  • Providing accurate maps
  • Increasing operational tempo & response time
  • Reducing liability and man-hour costs
  • Improving service

To learn more about our inspections services and how we use GIS to help you, contact us at (877) 985-1148 or info@mcleanengineering.com.

Happy Mapping!